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Menominee County Department of Human Services provides an array of family services to children and youth including mental health, substance abuse and developmental disabilities.
CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES Menominee County Human Services has statutory responsibilities, per Chapter 48 of the Wisconsin State Statutes, for investigating and providing services in situations where it is believed that children have been physically, sexually, or emotionally abused or neglected or who are at risk of abuse or neglect. First priority is to assess and ensure the safety of the child. While providing protection for the children, the focus is on assisting the family to successfully manage stressful situations and enhance their ability to function as a safe and responsible family unit. COURT INTAKE AND STUDIES The Agency works closely with the Menominee Tribal Court and Menominee/Shawano Circuit Court to provide services to children and youth. These services are defined in Chapter 48 and 938 of the Wisconsin State Statutes. On occasion, the Court may order the Agency to conduct a custody study to assist Court in making decisions concerning the physical placement, legal custody, and visitation issues involving children. Custody studies are done only through a court order. JUVENILE JUSTICE SERVICES Wisconsin Statute Chapter 938 governs Juvenile Justice. Reports are received from Law Enforcement for law violations committed by youth who have not obtained their 17th birthday. Department staff provides formal and informal supervision and deferred prosecution supervision to children. The purpose is to monitor behavior, establish rules of conduct, prevent inappropriate behavior, and provide or arrange services to address the problem. ALTERNATE CARE Children are place in substitute care to protect them from being victimized or to provide special care or treatment. Care can be provided in a relative’s care/Kinship Care, a foster home, group home, or residential care center (RCC). Children are usually placed through an order of the court. Children are placed in a continuum of settings from least restrictive to most restrictive. Indian Child Welfare Act requirements are to be met with respect to placements. JUVENILE CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION AND DETENTION SERVICES AND SHELTER CARE If the safety of the community cannot be assured, a juvenile may be placed in a secure detention facility or juvenile correctional facility. Menominee County juveniles are placed at Lincoln Hills School in Irma, Wisconsin, operated by the State of Wisconsin as a locked facility for youth are serious/violent/repeat offenders that pose a threat to public safety or have needs that cannot be met in a non-secure placement. Various available detention facilities are utilized based on the individual and the availability of space at the detention site. Detention facilities are locked and approved by the State of Wisconsin for secure, temporary holding for juveniles. Shelter Care is a non-secure facility for temporary care and physical custody for juveniles, licensed by the State. A referral to the local child support agency is made anytime a child is placed in out of home care. A parent(s) costs are based upon child support standards. INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM This is a program offered to Menominee County youth who are between the ages of 15-21 that have been in substitute care. It is designed to prepare these youth for independent living by instructing them in money management/banking, searching for housing, job seeking skills, educational planning, health and personal appearance, housekeeping, transportation, emergency and safety skills, and legal issues. FOSTER CARE LICENSING This program recruits, licenses, provides and/or coordinates training, and monitors foster homes. A home study and a criminal background are conducted. State standards must be met. CHILDREN'S LONG TERM CARE WAIVER PROGRAM (CLTC) This program provides support to children, from birth to 22 years of age with a serious to severe developmental or physical disability, including Autism, or severely emotionally disturbed. Eligibility is based on financial and functional criteria. Cost shares and parental fees may apply. Services provided include but are not limited to service coordination, linkage to community supports, counseling, daily living skills, respite, communication aides, home modifications, and crisis support. Services are limited based on funding availability. For more information: Children’s Long-Term Support Program BIRTH TO THREE PROGRAM Services to children ages birth to three residing in the county who are developmental delayed in one or more of the following areas: learning, physical development, communication, social/emotional development, and adaptive development. Support and services are available such as service coordination, family education and counseling, special instruction, communication services, nursing services, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and transition planning. Services are provided in the home or environments natural to the child. For more information: Birth to 3 Program CHILDREN'S COMMUNITY OPTIONS PROGRAM The Children's Community Options Program provides individual services and support to families that have a child with severe disabilities. The program offers information and help in finding services and maximizing community resources. It offers limited funding to buy needed services and goods that can’t be bought through other services. The program focuses on helping link families with other families to strengthen natural supports. The Program is a funded program of “last resort” which means other programs must first be investigated as part of the funding package before determining that the service plan requires the use of the program dollars. The Children's Community Options Program is a State funded program. Services are limited based on funding availability. There is a maximum limit for each child per year. The Family’s income affects the amount the child is eligible for. Cost sharing may be required on a sliding fee scale. Link to DHS Children's Community Options Program: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/cop/index.htm Other Related Links Wisconsin Department of Children & Families: http://dcf.wisconsin.gov/ AMBER Alert Information at: www.amberalert.gov/ National Center for Missing & Exploited Children Information found at: www.missingkids.com Wisconsin Wayfinder Children's Resource Network: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/wiscway/index.htm For contact information click here |