FoodWIse (FW)
FoodWIse is a UW-Madison Extension program that helps families and individuals with limited incomes choose healthful diets, purchase and prepare healthful food and handle it safely, and become more food secure by spending their food dollars wisely. This important program is funded by federal dollars and funds programming in 71 Wisconsin counties. Families or individuals with children and limited incomes or those who receive FoodShare or are FoodShare eligible can learn through FW. The Menominee County/Nation and Shawano County FW program provides a variety of education through different settings such as small group workshops for adults, youth classrooms, and senior meal-sites which are learner centered and culturally sensative. All events respond to community-expressed needs with research-based education and partnerships that support families and the communities. Educational events take place weekly throughout the county and reservation so keep an eye out for upcoming events. If you would like to know more about Extension’s FoodWIse Program in Menominee County/Nation and Shawano County, please contact FW Coordinator Lori Schuettpelz at 715-526-6136 or by email at Click here for more information »