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All lands within Menominee County jurisdiction, taxable or fee lands, are zoned and governed by the Menominee County Zoning Ordinance, adopted 4/15/99. You can view the Zoning Ordinance near the bottom of this page by clicking on each individual section below. Starting with the table of contents section may help you find a specific item easier.

All non-tribal lands near surface waters are regulated by County Ordinance #68 - Shoreland Protection. Restrictions on building, vegetation protection areas, and limitations on impervious surfaces are important regulations to know and adhere to when using and developing waterfront property. You can view this Ordinance through the link below. Call the Zoning Office for specific questions related to Shoreland Zoning.

Building and Zoning Permits
There are five different types of building and/or zoning permit applications listed below. Please open and utilize the most applicable one for your project. Each of these permit applications have forms that are fillable electronically. Right click on the link, save to your computer, then open it as a pdf document to fill it out electronically. Once all applicable fields are filled out, please print it out for signatures and submittal with all applicable fees.

The building permit application packet for new homes, additions, and alterations to existing homes can be found here.

This permit application can be used for electrical, plumbing, and/or HVAC permits. This application can also be used for internal remodeling permits. Fill out the applicable portions of this State building permit form, as well as the additional town/county forms.

All building inspections and Uniform Dwelling Code questions can be addressed by the
Town Building Inspector, Mike Miller at (920) 428-3331.

The application packet for accessory structures such as garages, sheds and enclosed/covered decks can be found here.

The permit application for structures such as signage, simple decks, and fences can be found here.

Impervious surfaces (walkways, driveways, steps) and other land uses such as grading, excavating, and fill (mainly within 300 feet of surface waters) need to be permitted. Here is that permit application.

All zoning questions should be directed to the zoning department. See contact information at the bottom of this page.

The fee schedule for building and zoning permits was updated and combined with all other department fees, and became effective on March 6, 2023. The new fee schedule can be viewed here.

**Zoning permits are required for all additions of impervious surfaces on any property within 300 feet of a surface water. This includes any buildings such as residences, garages, decks, and sheds. It also includes paver walkways and patios, as well as any concrete or asphalt driveways or walkways. These local rules are derived from Wisconsin State Rule NR 115.

Menominee County, which is one Township (Menominee), has two building code Ordinances (#63 and #65). All structures that fall within Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code rules, require a permit from the Building/Zoning Department. Click here to view Town Ordinance #63 - Uniform Dwelling Code or Town Ordinance #65 - Building Codes.

Anyone who wants to complete any activities within the shoreland setback area of any surface water should contact the Land Conservation/Zoning Department. Such regulated activities are fill, grading, excavating, vegetation removal, and any clearing outside of the provisions of the Menominee County Shoreland Protection Ordinance. Most work within 75' of a lake or river requires a permit or is not allowed. There are additional restrictions within 300 feet of a surface water (shoreland) as well for fill and structures. Contact the CFZ Department for details. Also, a DNR permit may be required as well for shoreline stabilization such as biologs, rock riprap, or excessive grading. You can check the DNR webpage to see if you will need a permit from them also. Here is a link to a Summary of Shoreland Zoning for quick reading.

Menominee County has adopted the State pier regulations and the document "Pier Planner" can be viewed here at the WDNR website.

The Board of Adjustments (BOA) reviews variance requests and administrative appeals to decisions of the Zoning Administrator.  This Board only meets on an as needed basis.
A list of current board members can be viewed here.
To view recent Board of Adjustments agendas and minutes, click here.

Application forms for conditional use permits, variances, and zoning district changes can be accessed here.

Public Nuisance Complaints
The Town of Menominee has a public nuisance Ordinance (#30) that helps keep the Town clean and relatively free of junk cars, trash, and other unsightly things from being a nuisance. The Ordinance can be viewed here. Complaints can be directed to the Zoning Department by the information at the bottom of this page on where to submit in person or by email.

Adopted 3/21/2023 - Menominee County Ordinance #72 - Menominee County Sheriff's Office to Enforce Certain Town of Menominee Ordinances

Zoning Committee
The Zoning Committee meets on the second Monday of each month, but doesn't meet when there is no business to address. To view recent Zoning Committee agendas and minutes click here. Only approved meeting minutes are posted. You can request to view older meeting information by email correspondence. 

Shoreland Protection
The Menominee County Board of Supervisors has adopted a new Ordinance #68 - Shoreland Protection Ordinance. Due to State law changes for shoreland zoning, all 72 counties were requred to update their shoreland zoning codes. Menominee County enacted new Ordinance #68, while removing shoreland-wetland zoning from the General Ordinance #67. You can view the adopted Shoreland Protection Ordinance #68 here.

General Zoning Ordinance
The Zoning Ordinance #67 can be viewed by individual section below.

Zoning Ordinance Table of Contents, Section 1. Authority, Purpose, Intent and Scope, Section 2. Rules and Definitions
Section 3. General Provisions, Section 4. Single Family Residential (R-1), Section 5. Single Family Mobile Home (R-2)
Section 6. Low Density Multiple Family Residential (R-3), Section 7. High Density Multiple Family Residential (R-4)
Section 8. Single Family Rural Residential (R-R), Section 8.5. Legend Lake Residential (LL-R)
Section 8.6. Moshawquit Lake Residential (ML-R), Section 8.7. LaMotte Lake Residential (LM-R)
Section 8.8. S.E. Bass Lake (BL-R), Section 8.9 Round Lake Residential (RL-R)
Section 9. Institutional District (I-1)
Section 10. Neighborhood Business District (C-1), Section 11. General Business District (C-2)
Section 12. Utility-Industrial District (UID-1), Section 13. Exclusive Industrial District (I-2)
Section 14. Exclusive Forestry District (F-1), Section 15. Exclusive Agricultural District (A-1)
Section 17. Conservancy District (CV-1), Section 18. Planned Unit Development District (PUD)
Section 19. Assignment of Property to a District, Section 20. Highway Access and Setbacks
Section 23. Floodplain Overlay District
Section 24. Wellhead Protection Overlay District (WPO), Section 26. Conditional Use Permits
Section 27. Home Occupations, Section 28. Nonconforming Uses, Structures and Lots
Section 29. On-site Parking and Loading, Section 30. Sign Regulation
Section 31. Sand, Gravel, and Soil Extraction, Section 32. Variances
Section 33. Modifications, Exceptions & Special Requirements, Section 34. Administration

Adopted 3/21/2023 - Menominee County Floodplain Ordinance #71​
Notice of new ordinance adoption here

Ordinance Action Notification Right
Any citizen has the right to be notified of any pending Ordinance actions (changes) that could affect the allowable use of their property. Please see this letter that explains the process on how to get on the notification list.

Signs Within Right-of-Ways
Only governmental signs are permitted within Town, County, and State Highway right-of-way areas. Section 30 of the Zoning Ordinance governs this restriction. Two letters have been drafted to inform the public of these rules. The first is related to campaign signage and it can be viewed here. The second is related to other signs such as realty, businesses, and rummage sales and can be viewed here.

Contact:  Jeremy Johnson - Zoning Administrator
Phone: 715-799-5710
TTY: 711
Click here to email
Mailing Address:  P.O. Box 279
Keshena, WI 54135-0279
Physical Address:  3270 Courthouse Lane
Keshena, WI 54135-0279
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